Sunday, March 29, 2020

Options For Raising Your Grade

Options For Raising Your GradeAre you in a position to learn more about the subject of raising the grade? It is quite easy, it requires time and patience on your part, but with all the assistance and help that are readily available to you, the job is achievable. More importantly, your grades will be higher and you will learn new skills.To successfully raise the grade it is important to have a plan in place that will meet the needs of the student's needs. There are many possible choices when you are dealing with your grade, but you will want to take a look at some of the options available and determine what is best for you.One option that you might consider when you are trying to raise the grade is the student-to-teacher tutoring. This is a great way to learn more about the subject of raising the grade and to gain new skills on the subject. Tutoring is always done by a teacher and they are usually able to give a detailed lesson on the topic at hand.The other option that you might cons ider is raising the grade by taking an online course or preparing for a test in the fall or spring. This way you will be ahead of your class for the semester, but it does require that you commit to this in advance. There is nothing worse than a semester without a test, so it is important that you make this commitment. You will be awarded your pass, but it will not be until after the semester has ended.Teaching other students with the same grade can also be another way to raise the grade. You can always write a report for each of your assignments, write some notes for any additional research that you need to do or go out and tutor some other students to learn more about the subject. All of these things will raise your grade.Another way to raise the grade isby being a well-rounded student. This means that you should keep a balance in your life and that you always find time to work on your craft. You should try to attend as many sports and other activities as you can. You should try to get involved in various clubs and activities.The last thing that you can do to raise the grade is to learn a lot more about the subject of raising the grade, and to learn new skills on the subject. In the end, if you always find time to spend on the subject, you will be amazed at how much further you will go and it will help you to raise the grade.If you need some more help with learning about the subject of raising the grade then there are several places where you can learn more. It is always a good idea to learn more about the subject, and the better you know the subject, the easier it will be to raise the grade.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Things to Know About the Many Languages Spoken in Europe

5 Things to Know About the Many Languages Spoken in Europe 5 Things to Know About the Many Languages Spoken in Europe Love French? Cant get enough of Spanish? Heart skips a beat when hearing Italian?Are you a language learner about to embark on a  journey of studying one of Europes languages?Or are you about to fulfill a lifetime dream of actually traveling to Europe?Well, arent you a daring soul!Europe is a place like no other, and Im not just talking about food or the fact that they play football a little differently than Americans.Im talking about languages.In this post, were going to explore some essential information for language learners about the languages spoken in Europe, including some things you may be surprised to learn.Here are the 5 things you absolutely need to know about Europes languages and their speakers before you set sail for that linguistic coast. 5 Things to Know About the Many Languages Spoken in Europe1) The most common language spoken in Europe is wait for it English!There are 24 official languages in the European Union. In alphabetical order, they are(Take a deep breath here.)BulgarianCroatianCzechDanishDutchEnglishEstonianFinnishFrenchGermanGreekHungarianIrishItalianLatvianLithuanianMaltesePolishPortugueseRomanianSlovakSlovenianSpanishSwedishWhew, what a mouthful!And that doesnt even include the official languages of European countries that arent in the EU.Guess what the most widely spoken language is. Thats right, English.In a 2012 European Commission survey, the five most widely spoken languages in the EU were shown to be English (38%), French (12%), German (11%), Spanish (7%) and Russian (5%). That last one, Russian, is not an official language, but is spoken by a sizable number of people.English tops the other tongues because its the favorite second language of Europeans.That should take away a little bit of the anxiety for travelers planning a European getaway, knowing they can most probably get by with English. I say a little bit because this shouldnt stop anyone from learning the most useful phrases, polite greetings and expressions of thei r host country. In fact, it should encourage you.Why? For one thing, European citizens will definitely be more warm and welcoming once they hear you talking in their language. Even if youre mispronouncing a lot, they’ll appreciate your efforts and point you in the true direction of the nearest bathroom, going out of their way to put you out of your misery.For example, in France, you might do better than you would expect with your bad French. Your Sil vous plait (Please) and Merci beaucoup (Thank you very much)  will endear you to the locals. It will set you apart from the stereotypical clueless tourist who expects to be catered to.Furthermore, having the safety net of English puts you in a lower-risk situation and invites you  to try harder, to be even more ambitious in your target language.  So get started today!2) More than half of Europeans are bilingualFor those language learners who think that being a true bilingual is rare, or that its quite difficult, well, there’s a whol e continent to suggest otherwise.A majority of Europeans (54%) are bilinguals, which means  they can talk to you in another language in addition to their mother tongue. A lower but significant percentage (25%) are trilinguals, which means they can run around and greet people in three different languages. And heres one that really takes the cake: 10% of Europeans speak four languages! How about that?Its a linguistic fiesta over there!Now, what does this mean for language learners on the other side of the globe?First, it proves that  learning another language is very doable. Its not just for the gifted or those with fat wallets. If the Europeans can do it, so can everybody else.Second, it means that English-speaking language learners can easily find language exchange partners in Europe. No, you dont need to actually go to Europe to engage them. There are plenty of technology tools like Skype and a host of great language exchange websites that can help you do this.Many Europeans are le arning English and theyll gladly exchange their two (or three or four) languages for your English. You can easily find yourself Skyping with somebody whos learning English from you, but whos also teaching you French and German.Pretty good deal, dont you think?But you may ask, How did they do it in the first place? How did they become so good at so many languages?Well, why dont we just ask the Europeans how they did it?(And thats exactly our next point.)3) Europeans are learning languages through immersionIn the same survey  mentioned: Europeans say they regularly use foreign languages when watching films/television or listening to the radio (37%), using the internet (36%) and communicating with friends (35%). 27% of respondents report using foreign languages regularly for conversations at work and 50% during holidays abroad.And these numbers are only climbing over the years. In fact, the proportion of Europeans who do not use a foreign language regularly in any situation fell from 1 3% in 2005 to 9% in 2012.Now what does this all mean to the observant language learner?It means Europeans have been socialized to be bilinguals and trilinguals. Sure, there are language schools all over the place, but the best way to learn a language, as the survey found with Europeans, is in the routines of everyday life.Would you not learn a language if over a third of the time when you’re talking with friends, you find the need to use a foreign language? If 27% of the time you speak to coworkers, youre actually using a foreign language, wouldnt you master it over time?Europe, as a result of geography and of the history of migrations, has evolved into a multi-cultural and multi-language society.Not everyone can grow up in that kind of immersive environment, though, where borrowing sugar from your next-door neighbor also functions as a language lesson. So learners from other parts of the world make do with the next best thing: online immersion.As mentioned above, there are all ki nds of ways to immerse yourself in your target language, and there are plenty of options when it comes to European languages, including TV, movies,  radio and video. You dont have to travel far and wide to get the immersion going.And thats where FluentU  comes in.  FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.  Our videos place you in an environment where you can witness how native speakers speak the language. Its like youre actually in the target country, watching a native speaker deliver the evening news or rock a concert stage.Now you don’t have to buy an online ticket to be there.4) Many European languages look and sound similar heres whyThey belong to the same language groups!Its possible to look at European languages as belonging to two major groupings:Indo-European,  which  includes Baltic, Celtic, Germanic, Indo-Iranian, Slavic and the Romance languages (e.g., Span ish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian).Non-Indo-European, which includes the Uralic languages (e.g., Finnic and Finno-Ugric) and Basque.While some languages, like Basque, are language isolates  (they dont share a family with other languages) many European languages belong to the same language groups and have similar origins, so their structures and vocabularies tend to be similar.For example, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian and Romanian belong to the same branch of the Indo-European family called the Romance languages. No, its not because theyre romantic, seductive or anything of the sort. Theyre Roman in origin and developed from the official language of the Roman Empire: Latin.Thats  why theyre so similar.  If you map out the areas where the Romance languages are spoken today, they correlate pretty well to the territories held by the Western Roman Empire in its prime.They diverged and started to follow independent linguistic evolutions with  the fall of the Western Ro man Empire. These territories splintered into many different independent states.  The Latin in these areas became slowly differentiated. For example, they borrowed from the peoples that came to settle in the different territories after the fall.That’s why we have the case with French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish where they have many underlying similarities, but also have clear distinctions.Now, what does this have to do with language learners today?For one thing, this would certainly explain why the word for planet is el planeta  (in Spanish), o planeta  (in Portuguese), il pianeta  (in Italian) and la planète  (in French). They all came from the Latin planeta.There are plenty of similarities for Romance languages (cognates) which means theres a real possibility that one can be learning multiple languages  over time without too much difficulty. One can take advantage of their similarities in structure and vocabulary. So while learning French words, you may be inadve rtently making yourself recognize Italian.But watch out, because although there are useful similarities between Romance languages, you can get easily tripped up with their differences. In the planet example above, the translation in French is in the feminine gender, while the Italian is masculine. Now you might say, “Well that’s not really confusing. French-feminine, Italian-masculine!” But you have to remember that its only just for one word. Try to memorize 30 vocabulary words and their gender in both French and Italian and youll readily see the potential for confusion.My advice is, when you study multiple languages  at the same time, go for those that arent too similar. Try French and Finnish for example. Theres not much overlap between them, as one can imagine. After some time, when your French becomes solid, only then should you begin Italian. By then your knowledge of French can be used as juxtaposition to fully take advantage of the cognates and be a jumping off point f or Italianâ€"instead of you being soft on both languages and learning them both at the same time.5) There are lots of languages spoken in Europe, not just the big onesThere are 24 official languages in Europe but there are actually more than  200 languages spoken on the continent.Furthermore, language is an extension of identity.Cases in point are the regional languages, like Basque, Catalan, Galician, Scottish, Gaelic and Welshâ€"languages that, owing to geographic, historical or social factors, have not been assimilated or subsumed by larger linguistic entities and have instead maintained their own rich presence.Whats very interesting is that not only do people from these regions speak a different language, they also often have different traditions and beliefs, even if located just a few kilometers from a major linguistic population.Basque (believed to be the oldest language originating in Europe), for example, is a language spoken in the Pyreneesâ€"between Spain and France. Its a language entirely unrelated to any existing or extinct language. And it was spoken even before Spain came under Roman rule.Now, heres an important point to be remembered by language learners: When youre studying a language, youre essentially studying not just vocabulary and grammar. Youre looking at a culture, a history of a people and the words they use to describe and structure their experience.Even when youre just visiting or playing tourist, recognize the fact that a difference in language signals a different way of looking at the world.Keep this in mind when choosing languages to study and places to visit.Because although this does not erase the fact that were all the same underneath the skin, the difference in languages across Europe highlight for language learners and travelers opportunities for growth, discovery and delight.I wish you all the best in your linguistic endeavors.You will get there.And if youre contemplating actually traveling across Europe do bring me back som ething, will ya?

Tutors get to know your students

Tutors get to know your students Whether you are tutoring long-term or helping students achieve their short-term goals, your style and methods of teaching will vary depending on each individual student. That's why it is imperative, especially in shorter term tutoring, to get to know your pupil as quickly as possible. Prior to your first private tuition session, you should have a verbal briefing from the student or their guardian as to what they hope to achieve from the lessons. For example; is there one particular area they believe requires extra work or is the brief wider in scope, covering the entire A-level or GCSE curriculum? Once you meet your pupil, don't be afraid of setting a short test early on in your lessons. However, do keep it concise and emphasise that the point is not to examine them. The test should form a benchmark of a student's current abilities, providing a proven basis on which to base their personalised lesson plan and a yardstick from which to judge improvement. Time should also be spent early on, possibly even prior to lessons beginning, understanding the pupil's modus operandi. Does your student feel they take in more through rote learning or discussion? What particular concept do they feel is eluding them? When undertaking exam revision, do they make note cards or use visual aids? Their answers to these questions will give you an insight into how they study and how they best absorb information. Armed with this knowledge, you can tailor lesson and revision plans accordingly, potentially helping your student to exceed their own expectations. In your experience, what's a good way of breaking the ice with a new student, and to what extent do you adjust your teaching style to suit the individual student?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Prentice Chemistry Chs Answers and Topics

Prentice Chemistry Chs Answers and TopicsThis prentice Hall Chemistry Ch 11 answers are all coming from different educational books that you can find. Each book includes the correct answers and some ways to answer problems. These books may not have books with answers for the practice science questions. The answers will be similar to the answers for practice chemistry Chs 11, but will probably be slightly different.In these books, the science section are discussed in greater detail than what is covered in practice chemistry Chs 11. The books with practice chemistry Chs 11 answers may be easier to use than the practice chemistry Chs 11 answers since they cover more in depth. They will explain different ways to solve problems and some alternatives to standard chemistry.As you use the information, you will find that the students do not have to memorize information. There are some students who really need to learn about certain chemicals and where the important parts of a chemical are loc ated, while others may not need that information to understand the information.Alchemists will learn a lot from these books. They will be able to learn about how to make certain substances and how to use this knowledge to create their own concoctions. The books with practice chemistry Chs 11 answers can help in this regard, as they will cover everything that Alchemists need to know about.Teachers should include this information in their science class. It will give students the ability to understand how chemistry works and how a well thought out chemistry project can be very useful for them.Teachers may think that it is too difficult to teach chemistry to entice students because it is so different from the standard scientific explanation. It will take time for them to adapt to the new methods used by science teachers and this will happen over a period of time.When you teach practice chemistry Chs, you will want to include a number of subjects and give your students the opportunity to move around. Teach them about chemistry and it will help to give them a deeper understanding of what is going on.

GCC 24 Training Course - Get Full C++ Certification

GCC 24 Training Course - Get Full C++ CertificationGetting to know the keywords for this training course can save time. This is the C++ compiler, and with that word comes with strong instructions to begin with. The C++ compiler stands for any program or piece of software used to create programs.Students are going to be studying the C++ programming language. That means they are going to be learning all about that, and for that particular course, there is another term in there. It is known as a C++ programming language and it is the best for learning the proper way to do things when it comes to the creation of software.On the whole, the GCC training course provides instruction on how to use the new generation of operating systems and virtualization. There are other acronyms that have to do with technology that you might not be aware of. You need to learn what they are before you can fully understand the brand new OS' s.You are going to be given instruction on how to make a Windows oper ating system and new operating systems for the Macintosh. One of the main reasons why some people want to get a computer is because they like to learn new things. There are certain things that will help you understand the world in a much more meaningful way.You are going to need to make sure that you get in touch with a proper IT business if you are going to take this training course. You want to make sure that you have the right person to handle all of your information. Be sure that you really are going to get everything that you are going to need.The other reason why you need to get the training from a competent instructor is that you will be exposed to all the different versions of the C++ compiler. This is something that you may never have really explored or that you may have never really understood before.The GCC certification can truly be of great benefit to you, the prospective student. The training that you get will really let you go and make you better than you could ever b e on your own.

How to Improve Your Voice

How to Improve Your Voice Advice for Improving Your Voice ChaptersThe Causes of Vocal Fatigue and Voice LossStretching Your Vocal Cords with the Straw TechniqueTwo Exercises for Improving the VibrationsVocal Gymnastics for Finding Your VoiceConsult a Vocal Healthcare Professional“Singing is like a celebration of oxygen.” - BjorkThe human voice is an interesting musical instrument that’s affected by tiredness. By overdoing it in a singing class or smoking, for example, you can end up with vocal irritation or inflammation, which can hinder the vibration of the vocal cords.To fix this, you may need some vocal rehabilitation or therapy.Most people will sing, be it in their car, around the house, or at a party with their friends.So how can you combat voice loss?Here’s some advice for fixing your voice.In this article, we're going to look at the causes of vocal fatigue, ways to preserve your voice, how to stretch your vocal cords with the straw technique, exercises for improving the vibration of your vocal cords, vocal gymnastics that you may find useful, and why you may need to consult a medical professional about your voice.Here are the best singing lessons Edinburgh. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Causes of Vocal Fatigue and Voice LossFirstly, many factors affect your voice. The human voice is produced by air from the lungs and the larynx. The lungs, abs, diaphragm, vocal cords, and oral cavity. The air from the lungs vibrates the vocal cords while th e muscles of the larynx adjust, thereby altering the sound produced.Take some singing lessons for your vocal training here. One of the best ways to improve your voice is to stop smoking. (Source: geralt)Throughout your life, your vocal cords will change, naturally or otherwise, which can lead to vocal fatigue. This results in you being unable to produce various frequencies and you’ll need to train to improve your vocal technique.Several factors can affect your voice:Viral or bacterial infection leading to inflammation.Overuse of your voice.Bad vocal hygiene: smoking, dry air, air conditioning, urban pollution, etc.Smoking is one of the main causes of hoarseness and voice loss.Why?Nicotine reduces the elasticity of the vocal cords which gives smokers their distinctive voices.Additionally, your voice will change if your breathing is bad. Exercising can improve your abdominal breathing and airways in general and combat a changing voice.Inflammation in the larynx, nasal cavity, bronchitis, etc. will also modify your voice.Depending on the situation, there are many ways to preserve your voice.Stretching Your Vocal Cords with the Straw TechniqueIf you’re suffering from vocal fatigue, hoarseness, or voice loss, there’s one thing you should do first: rest your voice for 48 hours. Of course, this isn’t always possible, especially if you perform regularly or work in a job where you're expected to speak regularly. While not good for the planet, drinking straws can be useful for vocal exercises. (Source: bridgesward)There are also natural remedies such as herbal teas, honey and lemon, and lozenges that can help. However, if none of these work, you could always try the straw technique.  It was first mentioned in 1902 in a German article on the voice and built upon in the 1960s in Finland.You need to get a narrow straw and sing into it.  This involves doing sliding to the top and bottom of your range into a straw and singing notes at a high volume.  Do this for 3 to 5 minutes, then try speaking, then sing again.The singer will feel more comfortable as if their throat has been cleared.  This activity stretches the vocal cords and reduces the pressure required to vibrate them. It allows you to make sound with less effort.With vocal fatigue, the vocal cords can swell. This means the singer closes their throat when they sing which causes the cords to swell further. The straw technique is something th at every singer should try.Check out our tips for taking care of your voice. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsTwo Exercises for Improving the VibrationsWhy isn’t my voice as harmonious as it was before?You don’t need to go rushing off to a speech pathologist or ENT specialist. Similarly, don’t go diagnosing yourself online as it’ll say you have an awful illness.  Here are two ways to improve the quality of your voice. If you want to keep singing, you've got to take care of your voice. (Source: SeppH)Voiced FricativesThis technique was invented in Denmark in the 1930s and allows you to reduce the force applied to the vocal cords and increase the vibrations.Say the letter “V” and hold the note.  You’ll feel the vibrations between your teeth and around your lips.Slide through your range at a moderate volume. Make sure you’re using your abdominal muscles as you breathe out.  Relax these muscles as you breathe in.You don’t need to sing complicated things to see an improvement; singing the “V” sound is a good way to improve.The “M” ExerciseThis technique is from “Resonant Voice Therapy” which was developed in the 2000s.You just need to make the “M” sound and feel the vibrations around your nose as you do.  Then make a strong “E” sound and hold the note and feel the vibrations in your upper teeth. Finally, make an “ooh” sound and feel the vibration in your lips.You then need to sing notes using these three sounds, one after another and find a comfortable volume.Focus on the vibrations as you slide from high to low. This will help you find your vocal range.Check for singing lessons near me here.Vocal Gymnastics for Finding Your VoiceNot every vocal exercise is suitable for every singer so you’ll need to look at different techniques and see which ones work for you. Vocal health is paramount for singers. (Source: StockSnap)With that in mind, here are a few for different situations.If Your Voice is Stuck in Your ThroatDo some facial gymnastics each day.  This will help you free up your throat by using your lips and stomach to help you sing.Say “key-ooh-eeks” and exaggerate the articulation of “key-ooh” with your lips perfectly rounded and a huge smile as you say “eeks”. Repeat this around 30 times.  Then start singing it to a melody.Your vocal cords won't tire as much because your lip muscles will do some of the heavy lifting.If Your Voice Doesn’t CarryRead a text aloud 5 to 10 times a day without saying the consonants.  This will help you to become aware of their importance.You’ll notice that by removing the consonants, you’ll vibrate your voice more, allowing you to increase its intensity without tiring.Then read the text again with the consonants.If Your Voice is Too SoftPlace both hands on your bellybutton and think of somet hing that makes you angry.  Read any text as you press your hands onto your stomach to bring the sound up.  Hammer the consonants with your mouth wide open and fully express the emotions from your stomach.Consult a Vocal Healthcare ProfessionalWhat if these techniques aren’t enough?You might want to see an ENT specialist or speech-language pathologist.The specialist can use laryngoscopy to have a look at the state of your vocal cords and your vocal health and keep an eye out for possible conditions.Catching certain conditions early is a good way to avoid them worsening in the future.They’re useful in the event of the following:Vocal fatigueVoice deepening and loss of registerUnstable voiceLack of flexibilityNodules, cysts, polyps, etc.A diagnosis from an ENT specialist can help you get to the bottom of dysphonia, too.  It’ll also help you better understand how to manage your vocal training and performance. To manage your voice, you might need medical help.As a doctor, they can provide you with therapeutic, medical, or surgical solutions.  They’re a vocal rehabilitation professional after all.If you want to sing well, you need to make sure that your voice is well looked after. If you damage your vocal folds, you could end up hoarse, develop voice disorders, etc.If you want to work on your voice and improve your singing, you might want to consider getting a vocal coach or private tutor on Superprof. They can help you improve your singing, take care of your voice, and provide bespoke singing tuition. There are three main types of tutorials on offer and each one comes with many advantages and disadvantages.Face-to-face private tutorials are just between you and your tutor. The sessions will be tailored to you, your needs, and your strengths and weaknesses. Of course, since the tutor will be dedicating a lot of time to you and your tutorials as well as tailoring them to your needs, this type of tutorial tends to be the most costly. However, it's also the mo st cost-effective.Thanks to the internet, webcams, and video conferencing software, you can also get online tutorials. Again, these tutorials are just between you and the tutor with the main difference being that you're not in the same room. With fewer travel expenses and the ability to schedule more tutorials each week, the tutor can charge a more competitive rate for these tutorials.Finally, there are group tutorials. These are more like your traditional classes with several students and one teacher. The cost of the tutor's time is shared between all the students in the class so you can expect to pay less per hour for these tutorials. Unfortunately, this means the tutor can't spend as much time focusing on you and your singing.

What Can You Expect from Your Piano Lessons

What Can You Expect from Your Piano Lessons Learning to Play the Piano with a Private Tutor ChaptersGet an Appraisal from your Piano TutorRevising and Studying Piano TechniqueLearning to Play Songs on the PianoEach Tutor Has their Own Piano Tutorial“Life is like a piano; the white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness. But as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys also create music.” - EhssanAccording to a Canadian study, music can reduce stress in both people who like music and people who don’t. Playing music is a great way to improve your quality of life. However, it can be tricky learning how to play the piano if you're looking for beginner piano lessons and don't know where to start.Why not get private piano tutorials?In this article, we're going to look at the different ways you can learn to play the piano with private tuition and what you should expect during private tutorials. LouisPiano Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlisonPiano Teacher £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErenPiano Teacher 5. 00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BarbaraPiano Teacher £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Chi yuenPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomPiano Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValtiePiano Teacher £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsGet an Appraisal from your Piano TutorA lot of people nowadays want to learn to play the piano. It’s a creative activity that can help improve your coordination as well as train your ear. It's also a lot of fun!You should evaluate your tutor, your level in music theory, and your piano ability. (Source: TeroVesalainen)Whether you learn piano, guitar, drums, saxophone, flute, or harmonica, learning to play an instrument isn’t free. That said, there are free piano lessons available on websites like YouTube but these aren't the best way to learn to play piano.Fortunately for budding piani sts, there are plenty of different types of pianos for different budgets (grand pianos, upright pianos, synthesisers and keyboards, electronic pianos, etc.). Keyboard start at £100 whereas some of the most expensive grand pianos run into the tens of thousands!Once you’ve got your instrument, how can you get started with private piano lessons?Private tutorials come with a lot of advantages, including having a dedicated teacher. The student will get lessons that are tailored to them. The piano teacher will know exactly what works and what doesn’t for their student. The classes are geared towards helping one student to progress so the teacher doesn't need to divide their attention across several students.This is why your very first lesson may be the most important. You need to talk to your tutor about what you’re going to work on (music theory, arpeggios, reading sheet music, coordinating your right hand and your left hand, etc.).Your first lesson will involve getting to know on e another as well as evaluating your level. If you’ve never touched a piano in your life, your tutor will probably give you some exercises that’ll help improve your dexterity, coordination, and your ear.It’s important to get started on the right foot (or hand). The student should be sure to mention anything they’re struggling with so that their tutor can focus on it.The first minutes of your private piano tutorials will probably be administrative and cover what you’re going to focus on throughout your lessons.Revising and Studying Piano TechniqueThe second part of piano tutorials consists of revising what you’ve seen in previous lessons in order to ensure that you haven’t forgotten it. Your piano tutor will probably ask you to repeat an exercise from a previous lesson.Start with one hand before you move onto coordinating the two of them at the same time. (Source: Iguanat)You’ll be expected to practise between your lessons as this is hugely important. After all, by re gularly practising, piano playing will become second nature to you.Piano technique can include:Reading piano musicRecognising piano notesCoordinating both handsLearning chordsPlaying scalesEtc.Once you’ve mastered a number of piano techniques, you’ll be able to play almost any piece with ease.  When you’ve learnt the exercises from the previous lesson, you can move onto new exercises. Make sure to get the most out of your tutor while they’re still there.Once the lesson is over, you won’t have your tutor there to correct you. It’s therefore important to ensure that you listen to them when you make a mistake. After all, we learn from our mistakes.Your piano tutor will show you how to position your hands, the right posture to adopt, and whether you’re playing in time, etc.  You’ll repeat these exercises once you’ve learnt them.Most of your time during your piano lessons will be spent memorising new techniques and skills. Once you’ve done this, you’ve done most of the work.Learning to Play Songs on the PianoOnce you’ve learnt a given piano technique, your tutor can help you put the theory into practice by playing a certain piece. This is when the student can learn to play songs that they like.There's nothing better than learning with your favourite songs. (Source: skeeze)Learning a song on the piano is a chance to use the piano techniques you’ve learnt while also revising everything you’ve seen up to that point.  By choosing a song you like, you’ll be motivated to keep practising it.The songs chosen by teachers at conservatoires and music schools can sometimes result in students giving up. This won't happen with your favourite tunes!Here are a few good songs for the piano to get you started:Imagine by John LennonBeethoven’s Fur EliseComptine d’un autre été l’après midi by Yann TiersenSomeone Like You by AdeleHallelujah by Leonard CohenJe te promets by Johnny HallydayThese songs are also worth checking out:Life on Mars by Davi d BowieLa groupie du pianiste by Michel BergerMistral gagnant by RenaudLucie by Pascal ObispoQui à le droit by Patrick BruelNe me quitte pas by Jacques BrelLà-bas by Jean-Jacques GoldmanAfter all, the goal is to enjoy yourself while you play the piano.Your tutor will probably organise sheet music into difficulty for you.Furthermore, most music teachers can re-transcribe certain pieces to make them easier for beginners to play. Thus some songs that seemed complicated can be played by novices.Whether you like jazz, rock, blues, or whatever, any song can be simplified to be played by students so that they can enjoy playing the piano without demotivating themselves.Each Tutor Has their Own Piano TutorialWhile the foundations of a piano lesson are usually the same, private tutorials will have unique elements specific to the tutor themselves. This means that it’s impossible to say with any certainty exactly what a piano tutorial will entail.Just like each student, each piano tutor is different. (Source: b1-foto)To make sure that a tutor’s teaching style works for you, you should either benefit from a taster session or ask them.Some private tutors mightn’t be able to answer this question directly as they tailor each tutorial to each student as they learn and grow as a pianist.With that in mind, you should probably look for tutors you get along with and will enjoy playing piano with. Both your personalities will play a huge role in how you learn and how the lesson goes.Some students need a variety of different exercises to remain motivated whereas others prefer to focus on one particular task. Furthermore, you can learn the piano at any age and piano tutorials aren’t specifically for children, adolescents, or adults. Musical tastes can also vary wildly (chamber music, jazz, rock, etc.).The work of a tutor in a music lesson is to adapt their approach to the student. In fact, you can sit down with a private piano instructor and design your own piano course. If you want to focus on how to read music or sight reading, ear training, improvisation, or classical or jazz piano, you can talk to your private music teacher before you start and decide on what you want them to teach you.Learning piano (in private piano tutorials, traditional piano lessons, or music classes) is not the same as preparing for an audition at a prestigious music school. Furthermore, a piano lesson can cover a huge variety of different topics (music history, music training, music theory, reading sheet music, etc.).Learning music theory and how to play piano is different for everyone. The most important thing is to get piano lessons that you enjoy with a tutor whose approaches work for you.Over the course of lessons, your needs might change. You might start playing just for fun and then decide that you want to take your playing further. With private tutorials, you can talk to your tutor and change your lessons to better suit your goals. If your tutor can't do this, then y ou can always start working with a different tutor. However, definitely ask your tutor about this before kicking them to the kerb for a new one!If you do this, you could become as good as Chopin, Mozart, Bach, Liszt, Beethoven, or Offenbach.